Like a Spa for your Clothes.”

Located in Oshawa, we service the surrounding areas with Professional dry cleaning services and delivery options to help serve you best.

Bowmanville fast dry cleaning | Bowmanville Dry Cleaning

Drive-thru Dry Cleaning Service

At Carriage Trade Cleaning Centre, we want to offer you the very best of service—that is why we offer in-car service. Simply enter the entrance to the north, and drive around our facility, pull up to our side door and our staff will greet you. While picking up garments, we are equipped with debit and credit card machines. Our staff will load your clothing into your vehicle. When dropping off your garments, our staff will retrieve them from you, or leave one of our ‘express bags’ in the trunk. This service is great for customers in a hurry, with children, or to avoid the weather.

View our In-Car Service and 24HR Drop Box video to see the whole process.

Express Bag and 24 Hour Drop Box

For convenient after hours access simply obtain a free express bag and access key during business hours, and then you are no longer restricted to our hours of operation for dropping off your garments.

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